peak performance


Protect Your Non-Work Time

Some jobs have very clear lines between when you’re “on” and when you’re “off.” But when you work in a role where the lines are blurred — or potentially nonexistent — it’s important to protect your non-work time. If you feel like work is taking over mo…

Don’t Let “Perfect” Be the Enemy of “Good”

We should all strive to do our best, but if you always aim for perfection, you may blow deadlines, annoy your colleagues, and miss out on opportunities. Instead of never being satisfied with “good enough,” talk to others about their standards. What doe…

If You Can’t Name Your Company, You’re In The Wrong Business

Often I meet someone at a networking event who tells me they are a consultant. I follow up by asking what kind of consultant. They will toss around all kinds of buzzwords. They won’t say what company they work for. They are vague about what they …

How To Encourage Participation During Virtual Meetings

It’s hard to get people to pay attention in meetings when everyone’s in the same room — let alone if they’re all calling in from home. How can you get people to actually participate in a virtual meeting? The key is to create structured opportunities fo…

How To Encourage Participation During Virtual Meetings

It’s hard to get people to pay attention in meetings when everyone’s in the same room — let alone if they’re all calling in from home. How can you get people to actually participate in a virtual meeting? The key is to create structured opportunities fo…

Don’t Operate Out Of Fear

Whether it is fear of failure, fear of a virus, or just general fear, the worst thing you can do for your business or yourself is to operate from a place of fear. No one has ever succeeded by giving in to fear. While it can be easy to get caught up in …

Overestimating Is Not Better Than Underestimating

In a recent interview about the COVID-9 pandemic, mayor of New York City Bill DiBlasio reveled that he had overestimated the number of respirators they needed. He had estimated they needed between 200 and 300 each day. The real number was under a hundr…

Misunderstanding Value

The show Wicked Tuna follows tuna fisherman off the coast of Massachusetts. These fishermen are trying to catch enough tuna to cover their costs and bring home money to live on. Each boat is its own business. In recent episodes there are more tuna than…

An MBA Isn’t Worth What You Think It Is

Millions of dollars in student debt has been created by people seeking an MBA degree. Business have paid out millions of dollars in salary and bonuses to people with MBAs. Schools churn out MBA graduates and make a fortune by convincing students that t…

The Adaptive Business Model

The COVID-19 virus has thrown business into a frenzy. Many businesses have been forced to close or shift how their businesses work. Circumstances have shown that your business model needs to be able to adapt. Here is what you need to look at to build y…