Empower Events

Empower Business Connection runs networking events to bring business people together to build relationships, enhance business, connect with resources and trade referrals.

Events run by the Empower Business Connection for our members and our partner organizations include speed networking, workshops, mastermind groups, open networking, structured networking. and specialized networking groups.


Networking events feature a format to encourage interactions. They may include open networking sessions in addition to the structure, which generally includes 30-second “commercials” from each participant, discussion topics or speakers, and testimonials and announcements of needs.

Regularly scheduled networking events include:

  • Empower Professional Networking – 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at 5:00pm ET
  • Our Breakfast Club – 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 am ET
  • Empower Women’s Networking – 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 pm ET


Workshops include topics such as how to use social media, time management, goal setting, and more.

Mastermind Groups

Mastermind groups are peer-led groups that discuss the challenges that its members are facing and work as an advisory board to overcome them. Group members support each other in building and growing each others businesses and careers.