

Why You Should Respond Rather Than React

Due to the speed of life, we often come across events that require us to act right away. A rude […]
The post Why You Should Respond Rather Than React appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Make Connections Using The Power Of “We” And “Us.”

When it comes to making connections with other people, the words we use have a huge impact. They affect how […]
The post Make Connections Using The Power Of “We” And “Us.” appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Why Building Your Personal Brand Matters

The idea of personal branding is more important than ever in today’s digitally connected world. Building a strong personal brand […]
The post Why Building Your Personal Brand Matters appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Forget Market Share, Seek Mind Share

Market share, product features and price points aren’t the only parameters that determine business success. It is becoming more and […]
The post Forget Market Share, Seek Mind Share appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Businetiks Basics: Communications

The Modern Observer Group programs are based on the Businetiks system. Businetiks consists of seven basic elements for success. They […]
The post Businetiks Basics: Communications appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Harnessing The Power Of LinkedIn To Boost Your Business

Networking and online presence are paramount when it comes to building your business. Leveraging platforms like LinkedIn has become essential […]
The post Harnessing The Power Of LinkedIn To Boost Your Business appeared first on The Modern Observ…

Don’t Risk Your Reputation

Your reputation is one of the most crucial factors in your success. How people see you depends on your reputation. […]
The post Don’t Risk Your Reputation appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Do You Communicate Or Just Talk?

The ability to communicate is important to your success. The more transparent you are and the more your various audiences […]
The post Do You Communicate Or Just Talk? appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Take A Good Look At Your Pencil

When was the last time you really thought about your pencil? It sits on your desk until you need it. […]
The post Take A Good Look At Your Pencil appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Your Email May Be Costing You Business

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Very often that impression is made through email. Making the […]
The post Your Email May Be Costing You Business appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.