talent optimization
Saying Thank You Can Boost Morale
As budgets shrink and burnout increases it is more important to keep your employees engaged. Saying thank you and showing […]
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Employee Engagement: The Difference Between Success and Failure
Your employees are on the front lines when it comes to dealing with customers. They are the face, the heart […]
The post Employee Engagement: The Difference Between Success and Failure appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.
Feeling Happy (or Sad) Affects Your Productivity
Does happiness make people more productive? Yes, say researchers at the University of Warwick and IZA. In a series of experiments, randomly selected individuals who were made happier exhibited approximately 12% greater productivity, as measured by a st…
Invest in Talent Now
As strange as it may seem, the current crisis may be a great time to hire top talent. There are an unprecedented number of people looking for work. If your company has the resources to hire, set up a task force to source potential candidates who may no…
An MBA Isn’t Worth What You Think It Is
Millions of dollars in student debt has been created by people seeking an MBA degree. Business have paid out millions of dollars in salary and bonuses to people with MBAs. Schools churn out MBA graduates and make a fortune by convincing students that t…
What Small Businesses Can Do To Reduce Employee Stress
This article originally appeared in The Philadelphia Enquirer Are the employees at your small business stressed out? They probably are. But if that’s the case, then you’re not alone. Last year, 94% of American workers reported that they experienced str…
5 Tips For Giving A Persuasive Presentation
When you need to sell an idea at work or in a presentation, how do you do it? Five rhetorical devices can help — Aristotle identified them 2,000 years ago, and masters of persuasion still use them today: Ethos. Start your talk by establishing your…
What Is Talent Optimization?
The Modern Observer Group is a certified partner of The Predictive Index. Together the companies provide services to aid companies with Talent Optimization. What is Talent Optimization? If you haven’t heard of it before, a simple glance at Predictive I…
Make Time To Focus On Each Employee’s Professional Growth
Managers are supposed to help their teams develop professionally — and great managers tailor their development efforts to each person. Doing so helps you understand the nuances of how people are growing week by week and month by month. At the end of ea…