peak performance


Who Are You Giving A Referral For?

Businesses thrive on referrals. There are organizations that exist for sole purpose of having businesses trade referrals. Before you give another referral, think about who you are giving the referral for. In every referral there are three parties: you,…

What Is Talent Optimization?

The Modern Observer Group is a certified partner of The Predictive Index. Together the companies provide services to aid companies with Talent Optimization. What is Talent Optimization? If you haven’t heard of it before, a simple glance at Predictive I…

How Much Do You Know About Your Prospects

It’s a rare day when a business owner doesn’t get a sales call or solicitation email. The vast majority of these are generic cold calls or cold emails. Some may have your name in them but most don’t even have that. Some make it abunda…

Learning The Wrong Lesson

It’s no secret that success is easier the more you know. It’s important that we keep learning, both to build new skills and to improve the ones we have. On top of that advances in science, technology and business keep things changing. The i…