In an Argument, Validate Your Opponent’s Point of View

When you’re in the middle of an argument, validating the person you’re arguing with is probably the last thing on your mind. But it should actually be your top priority. If you validate your counterpart’s perspective, expertise, and feelings, you will …

Partnering With Clients

“Partnering” has become one of those overused buzzwords that has lost its meaning. Every company talks about partnering with their clients. While it is imperative that you become a partner to your client, without understanding what that mea…

To Build Resilience, Write Down What You’re Grateful For

When it comes to building your emotional resilience, nothing does more good than maintaining a positive outlook and regularly expressing gratitude. These two actions have been shown to decrease anxiety, reduce symptoms of illness, and improve the quali…

Constantly Re-Evaluate Your Marketing Efforts

Your marketing efforts are crucial to your business. You could be the best there is at what you do, but if no one knows about it, they can’t buy from you. Ideally, you should teach where your customers are coming from and focus your energies ther…

Own Up to Your Mistake And Address The Problem

Recently, Apple had a problem when it was discovered that they slowed down older phones. The problem wasn’t that they were slowing them, there was a legitimate reason for doing so. The problem was that they didn’t explain why clearly enough…

Trick Yourself into Changing Bad Habits

Every one of us has a career-limiting bad habit. Whether it’s weak interpersonal skills, a tendency to procrastinate, or good-but-not-great technical prowess, one of the biggest impediments to our upward mobility is a habit we can’t get rid of. But a f…

The Best Leaders Keep an Open Mind

We often think of great leaders as having the conviction of their beliefs—they’re not pushovers. But the most successful leaders actually show a willingness to be persuaded. How can you do this, particularly on issues where you’re not objective? Keep g…

Network More Effectively by Drawing People to You

As you advance in your career, it’s harder to find time to network — especially when the people you want to know also have jam-packed schedules. To meet prominent people, you have to make yourself stand out so that they come to you. Start by figuring o…

Make More Time for Your Top Priorities

Sometimes, small shifts in how you use your time can make the difference between feeling focused and productive at work and feeling exhausted. Give yourself permission to prioritize what’s most important to you, then align your schedule accordingly. Fo…

“Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus”

In 1897, eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church stands as a reminder of what the Christmas seas…