Learn More From Your Experiences By Keeping a Journal

When you’re always rushing to do, do, do, it can be tough to find the time to reflect on and learn from your experiences. In the moment, your brain records what takes place, but it determines what’s important for long-term retention later, during perio…

Don’t Set Growth Targets Without Thinking Carefully About Timing

You’ve probably seen them before — those project spreadsheets in which Year 2 revenue is Year 1 revenue plus 10%, and so on. These projections are rarely accurate, because they reduce the world to linear models — when in reality the growth process is n…

The Difference Between Failing and Being A Failure

The most successful people on the planet have failed numerous times. Each time they fail, they learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others and apply that to future projects. By contrast, people who are failures dwell on each time they have fai…

What Happens When You Don’t Change With Your Customers

At the time of this writing, another Oscar ceremony has been telecast. While the ratings appear to be breaking records, its not a record anyone wanted to break. The 2018 Oscars are poised to have the lowest ratings in the show’s history. Why? The…

During Your Next Presentation, Use Your Hands to Project Confidence

When you’re in front of an audience, you want to project confidence. But when you’re nervous, your hands often flit about and fidget. Use one of these positions to keep your hands still. Practice in front of a mirror, then with friends, until it feels …

Lessons From Lake Placid

To this day, few Olympic moments can match the excitement generated by the 1980 U.S. Hockey Team.  A group of college kids was out up against the juggernaut Russian team who had not only beaten them prior to the Olympics, but also beat the NHL All-Star…

Earn Your Dream

As the 2018 Winter Olympics comes to an end, there are lessons that can be learned. One unexpected lesson came from skier Elizabeth Swaney. She had a dream to be in the Olympics. While she made that dream come true, the way she went about it caused her…

Tell Your Customer’s Story

One of the most important elements to attracting potential clients is that they understand what you are offering. If they don’t have a clear idea of what you can do for them they won’t know why they should use your service or product. For c…

Using Sprint Goals

Setting long term goals is necessary for success. To build momentum and keep motivated, use sprint goals. In the Businetiks system, a sprint goal is a quick, short deadline goal that moves you closer to your larger goal. How can you create sprint goals…

Network Marketers Need To Stop Recruiting

MLMs or Network Marketing companies exist by creating pyramid sales teams to sell their products. The participants make money on their sales plus the sales of the people who report to them. Due to this structure, the participants spend quite a bit of t…