Two Rules for Making Better Decisions
There are many ways to improve your decision making, but two simple rules can be particularly helpful. First, be less certain — about every part of your decision-making process. Think choice A will lead to outcome B? It’s probably less likely than you …
Start From Zero
When making a budget, there is a process known as zero-based budgeting. In this process, instead of starting from the previous budget, you start from zero and work forward with the assumption that every item must be justified. This same procedure can a…
Don’t Base Your Image On Clip Art And Templates
Your logo and your business card provide an image for you and your business. So what kind of impression do you think you give when you meet people at a business conference and hand them a business card with a design that multiple other people have used…
When You Can’t Hit Unsend
Most people have made the mistake of hitting “reply all” on a private email or sending an insensitive message to the wrong person. After the panic sets in, you need to own the mistake. Approach the offended colleague quickly and apologize: “I’m sorry I…
Three Things You’re Doing That Kill Your Productivity
There’s always more work to do. To handle it all, it is important that we maximize our productivity. Some of the things that we think are helping are actually holding us back. Here are three things to stop doing: Trying to be perfect: You’re not …
Innovation Starts With Setting Clear Goals
Sometimes entrepreneurs and executives fail to establish guidelines for innovation because they believe that creativity is all about giving people freedom. But if you don’t specify what kind of ideas you are looking for, you’ll end up with a lot of ide…
Leadership Is Not A Title
It’s natural to look to people in authority for leadership. Leadership, however, is not inherent in a title. There are many people in authority who are not leaders. Conversely there are many leaders who do not have titles and are not officially i…
The Changing Face Of Work
People fear change. This is a universal constant. Change requires that people move into the unknown, which makes people uncomfortable. However, when change is happening, you have to adapt or be left behind. That is what is happening with the economy an…
Don’t Let Causes Outweigh Your Data
It’s great for your company to support a cause, but you shouldn’t let that determine your products. Your products need to be driven by customer demand, not causes. Case in point: female empowerment. For many years women complained that there weren’t e…
Zen And The Art Of Cab Driving
In an episode of the classic sitcom “Taxi” titled “Zen and the Art of Cab Driving,” Reverend Jim transforms himself from the worst to the best cab driver in New York by practicing the “dynamic perfectionism” methods he overheard. Jim, typically in a h…