

Use KPIs to Crush Your Goals

If you’re serious about winning in life—whether that’s growing your business, getting in shape, or crushing it at work—then you […]
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Businetiks Basics: Evaluation Metrics

The Modern Observer Group programs are based on the Businetiks system. Businetiks consists of seven basic elements for success. They […]
The post Businetiks Basics: Evaluation Metrics appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

The Power Of A SWOT Analysis For Business Success

Getting ahead in business requires a comprehensive understanding of your company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and […]
The post The Power Of A SWOT Analysis For Business Success appeared first on The Modern O…

Metrics Matter: Look Where They Come From

There is an old saying that numbers don’t lie. This is generally said by people trying to sell you numbers […]
The post Metrics Matter: Look Where They Come From appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Ask 3 Questions Before Taking On A New Project

Being proactive is generally a good thing, but if your initiative isn’t channeled in the right way, you can squander resources and even damage your reputation. That’s why it’s important to think carefully before taking on a project. Ask yourself three …

Balancing Mindfulness

Mindfulness is sweeping corporate culture. It’s the hot buzzword of the moment. It’s practice brings great benefits. However it is not the ned all and be all. It needs to be balanced in order for you to succeed. What does this mean? Let&#82…

All Comparisons Are Not Equal

Mark Twain once said, “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” There was a recent instagram post from a company called Arbonne. Arbonne is a network marketing/MLM company that sells cosmetics and vitamins. The company was touting the …

Keep Things Fresh By Creating A “New” Day

We all have things that we have to do on a regular basis. We do them over and over and risk falling into a rut. It’s just as easy to fall into a comfort zone and stay there. Whether you’re in a rut or staying in your comfort zone, you need …

Has The “Extra Mile” Gotten Shorter?

When The Modern Observer Group launched a new newsletter a mistake was made. The e-mail system sent the newsletter template out while it was being set up. So a portion of our list received a half done newsletter two weeks before it was supposed to laun…

Freelancers, Always Get Terms in Writing

More and more people working side hustles and moving into freelancing. It is expected that the number of people that identify themselves as self-employed will increase by 300% over the next two years. It is important for new freelancers to change their…