Network More Effectively by Drawing People to You

As you advance in your career, it’s harder to find time to network — especially when the people you want to know also have jam-packed schedules. To meet prominent people, you have to make yourself stand out so that they come to you. Start by figuring o…

Make More Time for Your Top Priorities

Sometimes, small shifts in how you use your time can make the difference between feeling focused and productive at work and feeling exhausted. Give yourself permission to prioritize what’s most important to you, then align your schedule accordingly. Fo…

“Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus”

In 1897, eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church stands as a reminder of what the Christmas seas…

Give People Time and Space to Be More Creative

Creativity takes time, requiring people to struggle down several blind alleys before finding the right solution. That’s why a lot of creative activity may look suspiciously like loafing around until a breakthrough happens. But if an organization truly …

Let Gratitude Guide Your Self-Improvement Efforts

When we ask ourselves where we can improve, the list often comes from our shortcomings: maybe we talk too much, waste too much time, or focus on low-priority things. So we think about improving by reversing the list: talk less, be more  productive, foc…

Good Leaders Don’t Ignore Their Personal Lives

Good leaders put aside their own needs for the good of the organization — but that doesn’t mean they completely sacrifice their personal lives. Leaders who subjugate their need for exercise, sleep, and recreation eventually succumb to brownout: the gra…

Good Listeners Ask Good Questions

Some people equate good listening with sitting silently, nodding, making eye contact, and, when the speaker is done, paraphrasing what you heard. But these things are only part of what makes someone feel that you heard them. The best listeners go deepe…

To Work Less, Rethink How You Spend Your Time

You want to work less but you can’t imagine how, especially since you feel like you’re already behind. Begin by deciding how much you want to work. Set a target range of hours — for example, 45–50 hours per week — and use that number as a stopping poin…

Rethink What You Want to Do vs. What You “Should” Do

Are you doing the things you want to do? Or the things you think you should? Sometimes, other people’s wishes tamp down our true desires for our jobs and careers. But dutifully fulfilling others’ expectations is unlikely to make you happy over the long…

Should Your Goals Be Rigid or Flexible?

There are two ways to approach your goals: You can be flexible, and let the next steps evolve as you work toward your objective, or you can be rigid, and set specific actions to take. To decide which approach you should use, ask yourself how difficult …