

Information Needs Context

In today’s world, everything depends on information. Metrics are crucial understand how you are progressing. The truth is that information […]
The post Information Needs Context appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Common Knowledge Isn’t Necessarily Correct

Mark Twain was said, “What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” There are numerous “facts” circulating that just aren’t true. Basing a decision on these fact…

How Much Time Are You Wasting ‘Communicating’?

Clear communications is important to your success. The more transparent you are and the more your various audiences understand, the better off everyone is. There is a point of diminishing returns. How much time are you wasting in your quest to be trans…

Why Your Data May Be Useless

With so many companies focusing on analytics there is more data out there than ever before. Before you rely on it, however, you need to make sure you have one more item: context. Without the proper context, data can be manipulated to prove almost anyth…

The Best Leaders Keep an Open Mind

We often think of great leaders as having the conviction of their beliefs—they’re not pushovers. But the most successful leaders actually show a willingness to be persuaded. How can you do this, particularly on issues where you’re not objective? Keep g…