Attitude and Mindset


If You Can’t Name Your Company, You’re In The Wrong Business

Often I meet someone at a networking event who tells me they are a consultant. I follow up by asking what kind of consultant. They will toss around all kinds of buzzwords. They won’t say what company they work for. They are vague about what they …

Don’t Operate Out Of Fear

Whether it is fear of failure, fear of a virus, or just general fear, the worst thing you can do for your business or yourself is to operate from a place of fear. No one has ever succeeded by giving in to fear. While it can be easy to get caught up in …

Misunderstanding Value

The show Wicked Tuna follows tuna fisherman off the coast of Massachusetts. These fishermen are trying to catch enough tuna to cover their costs and bring home money to live on. Each boat is its own business. In recent episodes there are more tuna than…

The “New” Normal Isn’t New

There has been a lot of talk about “the new normal” during the Covid-19 crisis. This seems to be a favorite phrase in media. In 1977 the new normal was that oil and gasoline would be scarce. In 1999 the new normal was that retail stores wou…

What Small Businesses Can Do To Reduce Employee Stress

This article originally appeared in The Philadelphia Enquirer Are the employees at your small business stressed out? They probably are. But if that’s the case, then you’re not alone. Last year, 94% of American workers reported that they experienced str…

Strategies to Use When You’re Feeling Anxious

It’s normal to experience occasional anxiety — for example, when we’re faced with a high-stakes meeting, a stressed-out boss, or a conflict with a colleague. Feeling anxious can make you more vigilant, engaged, and productive, but it can also exacerbat…

Learn Into Adversity

When times get tough, many people think the first thing they need to do is minimize the pain. It’s a reasonable idea. No one wants to suffer after all. If you minimize the pain it’s easier to get through the adversity. That may or may not b…

Don’t Brush Off Positive Feedback — Study It

Most of us remember critical feedback. Criticism is jarring and threatening, so it tends to stick in our brains. Most of us dismiss positive feedback, sometimes people think of it as people being nice and sometimes people assume that it’s sarcasm…

Don’t Brush Off Positive Feedback — Study It

Most of us remember critical feedback. Criticism is jarring and threatening, so it tends to stick in our brains. Most of us dismiss positive feedback, sometimes people think of it as people being nice and sometimes people assume that it’s sarcasm…

Skate To Where The Puck Is Going To Be

Hall of fame hockey player Wayne Gretzky famously described his method for success in the quote, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where the puck has been.” Business people have recited the quote for years, but what does it …