

Want to Be More Open-Minded?

Open-mindedness at work — about new products, strategies, business models — is one key to success. But how do you develop it? Research has found there are several things you can do. For one, travel, whether it’s to another country or somewhere closer t…

If You’re One In A Million There Are 1,000 Like You In China

We all want to think there is no one else like us. In business there is always someone else that does what were do. What we need to do is figure out how to stand out from the crowd. What sets you apart from everyone else? The key standing out is being …

Keep Things Fresh By Creating A “New” Day

We all have things that we have to do on a regular basis. We do them over and over and risk falling into a rut. It’s just as easy to fall into a comfort zone and stay there. Whether you’re in a rut or staying in your comfort zone, you need …

Has The “Extra Mile” Gotten Shorter?

When The Modern Observer Group launched a new newsletter a mistake was made. The e-mail system sent the newsletter template out while it was being set up. So a portion of our list received a half done newsletter two weeks before it was supposed to laun…

It’s Not About Being Liked

There have been a number of studies in gender diversity showing that when people to something generally considered to be normal for the opposite gender, they are found to be less likable. This has been cited as something that has to be overcome in the …

Build A Network That Challenges Your Point Of View

When your network is mostly people whose backgrounds and skill sets are similar to yours, it’s unlikely to help you find new ideas or creative solutions. Diversify your network by connecting with people whose viewpoints, insights, and experiences diffe…

What’s For Breakfast?

What’s a typical breakfast? Eggs and bacon? Coffee and muffin? Cereal? How about rice and beans? Americans have a narrow definition of what a breakfast food is. Elsewhere in the world the definitions are different. Rice is big all around the worl…

Say Thank You For Routine Things

There is far too little praise and appreciation in most work environments. Even those who are good about giving positive feedback can tend to reserve it for “above and beyond” moments. Yet, the routine work that people are expected to do ev…

Mindset Advice From Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was a master at focusing on details and making all the small pieces form a big picture. The ability to connect the dots is critical to achieving large goals. Jobs summed up how he was able to do it in a quote. You can’t connect the dot…

Yes Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus

In 1897, eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church stands as a reminder of what the Christmas seas…