

Show Your Authority When Dealing With Customers

Are you an authority in your industry? Why should I utilize your service or product if not? If you convey […]
The post Show Your Authority When Dealing With Customers appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Show That You’re An Expert

One of the easiest ways to drive sales opportunities and to ensure job security is to become an expert in your […]
The post Show That You’re An Expert appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Boost Your Self-Confidence

Do you find it difficult to express yourself at work, even when you want to? It’s not just you. It’s […]
The post Boost Your Self-Confidence appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Project Confidence in Your Next Presentation

Many of us feel anxious when we’re speaking or presenting at a big meeting, but there’s lots of research on what you can do to look confident and competent in front of an audience. The key is to pay special attention to your body language. Make eye con…

Don’t Cross The Line Between Confident And Arrogant

Businesspeople need to be confident. They need to project that they know what they are talking about and can provide you with what you need better than anyone else. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. That line can be the difference …

When Talking to Customers, Be Confident and Show Your Expertise

Are you an expert in your field? If not, why should I use your product or service? Customers expect the best and you give the impression that you can’t give it, they will go elsewhere. You need to project the image that you are an expert. That re…

It’s Not About Being Liked

There have been a number of studies in gender diversity showing that when people to something generally considered to be normal for the opposite gender, they are found to be less likable. This has been cited as something that has to be overcome in the …