

Three Things You Can Do To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

With all the stress that people deal with on a day to day basis, whether it is from work or […]
The post Three Things You Can Do To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Bounce Back After Failure

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a negotiation doesn’t go your way. Perhaps a customer pushed for a steeper discount than […]
The post Bounce Back After Failure appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Find Your Guilty Pleasure

A guilty pleasure is defined as something that is bad for you that you enjoy anyway. That enjoyment is what […]
The post Find Your Guilty Pleasure appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

You Must Remember This, A List Is Just A List

When getting organized, the first step is putting together a list. From something as simple as a shopping list to […]
The post You Must Remember This, A List Is Just A List appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Didn’t Get Much Done Yesterday? Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Do you often feel guilty or frustrated at the end of your work day for not getting as much done […]
The post Didn’t Get Much Done Yesterday? Don’t Beat Yourself Up appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Are You Working Too Much?

We all need to shift into high gear from time to time, but how can you tell if you are […]
The post Are You Working Too Much? appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Regain A Sense of Control (When Everything Feels Out Of Control)

Between the health risks of the coronavirus, the economic stress of the recession, social distancing, and mandatory work-from-home arrangements, so […]
The post Regain A Sense of Control (When Everything Feels Out Of Control) appeared first on Th…

Close The Loops

In the book Getting Things Done by David Allen the author talks about closing the loops. This is an important part of both the GTD method and the Businetiks system. In today’s hyperspeed stressful world it’s a useful lesson for anyone to le…

Clear Your RAM

You’ve seen it happen. You have too many browser windows open or too many programs running and your computer slows to a crawl. That’s because your computer is trying to keep too many things in its RAM (Random Access Memory). To get things r…

Are You Still Stewing About That Mistake You Made?

When you make a mistake at work, do you replay it in your head for days or even weeks? This kind of overthinking is called rumination, and it can lead to serious anxiety. To break out of the cycle, there are a few things you can do. For one, identify y…