life coach


Pump Yourself Up Before A Presentation

Giving a talk in front of an audience can be stressful, and our bodies react to that stress in different ways. If you’re someone who gets jittery and anxious, or whose energy levels flatline, try an exertion ritual before your next presentation. The ri…

Say Thank You For Routine Things

There is far too little praise and appreciation in most work environments. Even those who are good about giving positive feedback can tend to reserve it for “above and beyond” moments. Yet, the routine work that people are expected to do ev…

Mindset Advice From Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was a master at focusing on details and making all the small pieces form a big picture. The ability to connect the dots is critical to achieving large goals. Jobs summed up how he was able to do it in a quote. You can’t connect the dot…

Focus On The Benefit

It’s an old chestnut in advertising. Focus on the benefit, not the features. Even though the idea is well known, most of us find it difficult to do. We get caught up in all the neat things our products and services do. Your audience wants to know…

The Power Of Possibility

As the holiday season comes to a close, I want you to think about the feeling you had when you held your holiday gift. I don’t mean after you opened it. What were you feeling as you held the still wrapped gift. When you looked at it without knowi…

Yes Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus

In 1897, eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church stands as a reminder of what the Christmas seas…

Are You In Your Comfort Zone Or Your Compliant Zone?

We are often told that we need to get out of our comfort zone. Is it really your comfort zone you’re in or your compliant zone?  Your compliant zone is very similar to your comfort zone. The main difference is why you stay there. Your comfor…

Your Favorite Holiday Tradition

Think about your favorite holiday traditions. Whether it has to do with gift giving or what you have for dinner or who you spend the holidays with, that tradition evokes an emotional response. It brings up memories of past holidays and good feelings in…

[email protected] Is Not A Business Email

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Very often that impression is made through email. Making the right impression can be very simple and yet many small business owners fail to do it. Get a business email.   You wouldn’t put y…

Don’t Be Afraid To Get Out Of A Business

Several years ago Nick At Nite started producing original programming. While their initial offerings were successful, later shows failed to grab an audience. As a result Nick At Nite recently announced they are getting out of the business of original p…