

Take a Vacation To Boost Your Productivity

Studies show that Americans are taking less vacation than they ever have before. In fact, more than half of Americans (55%) let their vacation days go to waste, which equates to 658 million unused vacation days. Remember, this is paid time off — by not…

Learn More From Your Experiences By Keeping a Journal

When you’re always rushing to do, do, do, it can be tough to find the time to reflect on and learn from your experiences. In the moment, your brain records what takes place, but it determines what’s important for long-term retention later, during perio…

Don’t Set Growth Targets Without Thinking Carefully About Timing

You’ve probably seen them before — those project spreadsheets in which Year 2 revenue is Year 1 revenue plus 10%, and so on. These projections are rarely accurate, because they reduce the world to linear models — when in reality the growth process is n…

Lessons From Lake Placid

To this day, few Olympic moments can match the excitement generated by the 1980 U.S. Hockey Team.  A group of college kids was out up against the juggernaut Russian team who had not only beaten them prior to the Olympics, but also beat the NHL All-Star…

Make Brainstorming More Efficient

Getting many people to think about a complex problem is often the best way to come up with a solution. But you have to take steps to make the collaboration efficient. When you invite others to contribute to a project, respect their time and show up pre…

Make More Time for Your Top Priorities

Sometimes, small shifts in how you use your time can make the difference between feeling focused and productive at work and feeling exhausted. Give yourself permission to prioritize what’s most important to you, then align your schedule accordingly. Fo…

The Difference Between Can’t And Won’t

We hear it from people all the time, “I can’t do it.” Very often what they mean is they won’t. In the past year I have been told by various people that they can’t read more books, they can’t save more money, they can…