Change Brings Additional Unexpected Changes

When making a change, there will be other changes that you may not have expected. Some of these changes may seem irrelevant but each one of them has an impact on your efforts. For example, a while back I tried a carb-free diet to lose weight. For break…

Networking Is Like A Romance

One key to business success is the ability to network. Through networking you meet potential customers, referral sources, employees, hiring managers, etc. Networking is about finding opportunities, yet many people don’t understand networking. The easie…

The Importance Of Authenticity In Networking

It seems like the right approach to networking: Figure out what the person you’re connecting with wants to hear, and then work to impress them. But tactics like self-promotion and ingratiation can backfire. Research shows there are two reasons why: Try…

The Mistakes Being Made When Chasing Diversity

The topic of diversity seems to be never ending. The state of California just passed a law that all public companies in California must have at least one woman on the board of directors (although it remains to be seen if the law will pass a court chall…

Schedule Time for Your Most Important Work

No one likes getting to the end of the day and feeling that, even though you’ve been frantically working for eight hours, you haven’t accomplished anything important. To avoid spending all your time answering emails and texts, try scheduling important …

The Problem With Academic Business Research

Business schools have released research papers about business trends since they opened their doors. Once upon time, when business classes were taught by business people, they may have been useful and relevant. Unfortunately those days are long gone. Wh…

Your Success Is Up To You

There are a ton of excuses. The economy is bad, I live in a terrible area, I wan’t given the chance, the list goes on and on.While certainly outside circumstances  have an effect, ultimately your success is up to you. In a recent story about bad …

The Worst Recipe Ever

A while back I watched an online video claiming to show the ultimate grilled cheese recipe. As I watched I was amazed at how bad the recipe was. To be fair, there’s nothing wrong with the sandwich you get from the recipe. The problem is the recipe itse…

Create An Executive Presence

Executive presence is not an innate quality; it is a set of behaviors that you can learn over time. Whether you are a natural wallflower or a social butterfly, you can enhance your presence by doing the following: Focus and relax. Calm is the foundatio…

Understand Your Business Model

A business model is the difference between a business and a hobby. It defines how your business activities will bring in money.  Having a clear understanding of your business model helps you focus on the direction your business takes. When you have tha…