

Present Yourself As A Leader

Being a leader isn’t based on your position. You can be a leader even when you’re not in charge. It’s […]
The post Present Yourself As A Leader appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Leadership Can Be Improved With Patience

Effective leadership, especially in times of crisis, necessitates perseverance. As a leader, you must maintain your cool and be patient […]
The post Leadership Can Be Improved With Patience appeared first on The Modern Observer Group.

Leaders Need To Learn How To Take Criticism

If you’re in a leadership position, you need to know how to take criticism well. Being resilient will help you stay focused on what the company needs, rather than on the naysayers. One strategy is to prepare how to handle criticism. Brainstorm several …

Leadership Is Not A Title

It’s natural to look to people in authority for leadership. Leadership, however, is not inherent in a title. There are many people in authority who are not leaders. Conversely there are many leaders who do not have titles and are not officially i…